Feb 9, 2009

I want to go .....

Sorry I probably bored all of you with the last posting but in 16 days a whole bunch of great gals who happen to be quilters will be going to Quilt Camp and I will not be among them :-( That's what happens when I get bumbed :-) I get very deep in thought and, unfortunately, managed to drop the whole thing on my BLOG.

Well, I'll show them! I'll sit and quilt all weekend here at home and get a lot more done that they will - yeah, right!

Oh well, at least I can think it must be spring because the forsythia in front of my house have flowers and so do the cherry blossoms at the park in town.

Do any of you knit as well as quilt? I've found more knitters here in SC since I joined the Guild. Here's a shawl I made for my sister - which she pronounced "lovely" then promptly packed it away so it wouldn't get ruined

1 comment:

  1. I don't knit so I admire those who can and this is a fabulous shawl. I can't believe your sister packed it away.
